Terms of Service

 These terms of service governs your use of the Websites and any service therein provided.

Quick Summary of the terms of service

We provide a web portal for raising funds from the public “donors” for:

  1. Charity Organisation registered with CAC
  2. Individual/Organisation raising fund for a project
  3. Individual raising funds for personal benefit such as healthcare fund raising

Registration as a member and creating a donation portal is free, but for the service, and the support we provide, there is a 5% transaction fee aside bank commission  deducted from the fund raised. Detail is on the Fees page

We ensure a speedy transfer of donation to the charities, and therefore regret that we only refund a donation before the campaigns end.

For certain causes on the website, we only process the donation after the target date or target amount is reached. A request for refund may be initiated to us via email refund@donate-ng.com

Any such request will be accepted based on the justification provided by the user and our decision to honour or reject such request will be final.  A refund will only be accepted where there is no reason to believe fraudulent activity is being carried out and the refund will be less any bank fee for the transactions.

We strive to prevent fraud in any form, and as such all details obtain during account opening or donations by member or guest users are not shared with any party outside of the transaction requirement.  See our Privacy Policy and cookies url for details on how we protect your data. 

We reserve the right to close or re-open a Fund raising portal for any reason which includes suspicion of fraud or display of content that we deem offensive or inappropriate. We may also terminate such user memberships.

We also reserve the right to delete content at any time if found to contravene the right of any person or organisation such as use of copyright material or logo without the owner’s permission. To report copyright infringements please send an email to copyrightinfringement@donate-ng.com

By registering or using the service you agree to all the terms of service which may be updated from time to time by donate-ng. 
Any change will be updated on the terms of service web page and by continuing to use the service, you accept the latest version of these terms.

The full version of the terms of service is as below:


1 Who we are:
donate-ng is a service operated by TwoCan Solutions limited registered at 1 Modupe street, Off Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria. These terms and condition of service governs your use of the Websites and any service therein provided.

2 Our Service

2.1 We provide donate-ng.com so that registered Members can create online portal to solicit for donations/funds for a legitimate cause or legally registered charity organisation.

2.2 We accept and process, on your behalf, donation made on the portal.

2.3 We ensure that donations are processed and held in a secure account until they are paid out according to the term and conditions in Section 5 -Payment to you . No interest will accrue to any amount held before it is paid out.

2.4 We ensure that only donations which you have been selected as the recipients will be credited to your donate-ng account.

2.5 We investigate any reported case of fraud or Money Laundering on the platform and report such to the appropriate authority.


3 Information protection

3.1 We ensure that all personal details collected are protected and secured at all times. Personal detail of other members or Guest donors to your portal will only be made available to you, if a donor or fundraiser has chosen to allow us to pass their personal data to you. You, however, agree to only use the data for the purpose consented to by the donor or fundraiser. Any such information should and must not be shared with any third party for any purpose.

3.2 Each member is provided a username and password to the website and fundraising portal. Members are expected to protect this information at all time; any disclosure of the account detail to 3rd party or inappropriate use of the account will be subjected to termination of the Account.

3.3 Users are not allowed to use copyrighted materials or any materials that contravene the right of any individual or organisations such as picture, trademarks or logo without obtaining permission from the copyright owner. Such material will be removed without any prior notification if found to infringe any copyright.


4 Creating a charity and Donation portal

4.1 Registering as a Charity organisation

4.1.1 Registering as Charity Organisation on the Platform required that the charity is registered with Corporate Affair commission Abuja.

4.1.2 The following documents will be required before fund raising can be enabled for the charity organisation.

I. A copy of CAC registration certificate

II. A Banker confirmation of the Charity account name and number

III. A copy of the charity trustee approving the use of the platform for fund raising

IV. A signed document approving us to carry out checks on the documentations provided

V. You must inform Us via email to charityregistration@dontate-ng.com of any changes to the information provided such as address changes.

4.1.3 Change of nominated account or address of charity can be requested by sending the following to the email - charityregristration@donate-ng.com

I. Bank confirmation of Account

II. Board resolution

III. New address and old address

4.1.4 All fund received after a change of account will be held until the new detail provided are verified


4.2 Creating an Individual Fundraising portal for a Cause

4.2.1 Members are allowed to raise Personal Fundraising for Charity Causes, individual health fundraising or Fundraising linked to Registered Charities.

4.2.2 Fundraising Linked to Registered charities will be paid directly to the nominated Charity; if Charity is not registered on the platform, the Fundraising will be considered a fundraising for individual causes and will be subjected to same condition as FundRaising for not-for-profit personal charity cause - section 4.2.4

4.2.3 Funds raised for Individual Healthcare will only be for treatment and required the following as prove of such condition:

I. verifiable document from the Diagnostic Hospital
II. Verifiable Document from the treatment Hospital donate-ng may deem it necessary in certain case to assign a supervisor to fund raising in this category.

4.2.4 FundRaising for non-for-profit personal cause other than for health will be assigned a supervisor who will verify the Causes/projects information and also verify that the cause is legal and achievable. Payment for the Project cost from the fund raised will be supervised by the Supervisor. No payment will be made to the Fundraiser personal Account except on exceptional conditions pre-agreed by the project supervisor and approved by donate-ng.com.

4.2.5 Member can decide to close down the fundraising but all donation received will be refunded to donors via a voucher scheme.

4.2.6 donate-ng will entertain other specially packaged fundraising for Corporate Organisation fundraising.

4.2.7 donate-ng reserve the right to accept or close down any fundraising that is deemed not in line with moral or societal values.


5 Payments to you

5.1 donate-ng will process and hold donations received from donors/fundraisers on your behalf.

5.2 All cleared funds will be transferred to the nominated account as follows

5.2.1 Fund raised for charity are transferred Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly depending on selected Payment rates

5.2.2 Charity can initiate a payment request of fund in the account at anytime provide the total amount exceed 50,000. The total amount in the account can be drawn.

5.3 Funds for Individual Cause can only be accessed at the end of the target date or if the Target amount is reached.

5.4 For Charity associated Fundraising, the Fund will be transferred to the charity only at the end of the fundraising.

5.5 Fundraising that has a Supervisor assigned, will access fund via the supervisor and will only access fund raised at the end of the target date or if the total fund required is reached.

5.6 All payment will be made to the Bank Account nominated at the start of the fundraising.

5.7 No interest will be payable on the funds raised for the period the fund is held by donate-ng or at any time during or after the fundraising. Any Interest received as a result of Fund in the bank will be used by donate-ng to improve and provide better service to you.


Bank Charges and service fees

5.8 A transaction fee of 5% plus Card payment handling charges will be deducted from any donation raised.

5.9 The Card payment handling fee cover the cost incurred for processing the Card payment by the payment processign engine e.g Interswitch. The fee varies (2% to 5%) depending on the payment engine used by donor to make the donation.

5.10 Foreign Donation or Payment may incur Currency exchange fee, this fee will also be deducted from the donation as part of the bank fee.

5.11 You authorise donate-ng to make the necessary deduction from the donation to cover the Transaction Fees and Bank Fees, together with any other fee payable by you for the use of the service.

5.12 The detail breakdown of fees is available on the fee website and subjected to updates.


5.13 In a bid to avoid fraud, donate-ng policy allows refund only in exceptional circumstances.

5.14 Any request for refund must be made within 5days of the transaction and should be sent to refund@donate-ng.com, with the following information

I. transaction reference and date of transaction

II. Receiving Fundraising Charity, causes

III. Reason for requesting refund

5.15 Only Registered members at the time of transaction can request refund.

5.16 The refund request will be passed to the charity and investigated by donate-ng.

5.17 donate-ng aim to carry out necessary investigation and provide a decision within 72hours.

5.18 Our decision to entertain the request or not is final and not subjected to appeal.

5.19 Any refund agreed by the charity will be deducted from the charity funds raised on the platform.

5.20 In certain case, a voucher may be provided to the Donor to use on a different cause. The value of the Voucher will be equal to the Refund less any transaction fee incured.


6 Disclaimer and limitation of liability

6.1 donate-ng shall, within all reasonable care, provide an easy to use fund raising platform that will receive donations and render such payment to you subjected to clause 5 payment section.

6.2 You, however, agree that your use of the Website and its associated services is on an "as is" and "as available" basis and that your use of the Website and its associated services is at your sole risk. donate-ng does not guarantee continuous uninterrupted access to our services and operation of the Website and associated services may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control.

6.3 donate-ng shall undertake general maintenance and upkeep of the Website, during these period the Website and its associated services may not be available for use.

6.4 donate-ng may change the format, layout or content of the Website at any time, with the addition or removal of functionality as it deem necessary for the improvement of service. donate-ng will not be liable to any loss incur as a result of the removal of such functionality

6.5 donate-ng will not be liable to any loss incur as a result of non-availability of the service, or any other loss that may occur as a result of the disruption of service during or after any maintenance work on the platform.

6.6 donate-ng shall only be liable under these Terms of Service for losses which are reasonably foreseeable and caused by donate-ng breach of these Terms of Service. donate-ng liability to you shall not include losses relating to any termination of our service to you, business of yours or your own losses such as lost or corrupt data, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of business opportunity, loss of sales, loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, loss of any software or data, loss of bargain, loss of opportunity, loss of use of computer equipment, loss of or waste of management or other staff time.


7 Termination

7.1 The Charity or any Member may discontinue use of the Services and terminate its membership at any time. Notification of the Charity's intention to cancel its membership will be effective by sending mail to membershipcancellation@donate-ng.com. Charity can also suspend it fundraising portal from the membership page.

7.2 Donation to the charity will crease from the date of membership termination.

7.3 A charity membership can be terminated at any time by donate-ng for any of the following reasons:

I. donate-ng believe within reasonable doubt that the Charity is involved in any illegal or fraudulent activity

II. Charity or fundraising is flag as fraud by other user of the Service

III. Charity unable to provided requested documentation or information within a reasonable time frame as requested by donate-ng.

IV. A request from the appropriate organisation e.g Law enforcement or Bank for the closure of the charity membership.

7.4 donate-ng reserves the right to withdraw the donate-ng website and the associated Services from public access at any time, at its complete discretion.


8 Suspension of the donate-ng Services

8.1 donate-ng, without liability to the Charity, may suspend the operation of the donate-ng Services in full or in part at any time, for example for repair or maintenance work or in order to update or upgrade the contents or functionality of the website. We will try to inform you in advance of a suspension, but this may not always be possible. donate-ng absolves itself from any loss you may suffer as a result of the suspension of donate-ng fund raising Services.


9 Confidentiality of your information

9.1 Information of a sensitive and confidential nature that you provide to us and we retain about you will not be disclosed to anyone other than:

9.1.1 Where we are legally required to disclose or have a public duty to disclose.

9.1.2 Where the disclosure is made with your consent;

9.1.3 Where the information is already in the public domain other than as a result of us breaching our confidentiality commitments to you.

9.1.4 To third parties to whom donate-ng are required to disclose this information in order for the Services to be performed.

9.2 By using the donate-ng website you accept our use of cookies. Cookies are small text files held on your computer which we use to help us to give customers the best experience possible on our website and to let us understand how customers use our website. Some cookies have already been set. You can delete or block cookies but some parts of our website won't work without them. You can find out more about cookie policy in the Cookie and Privacy Policy.


10 Changes to the Terms of service

10.1 donate-ng reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions and any changes will be posted on the donate-ng website at least one month in advance of any such change coming into effect. Your continued use of the donate-ng website following any such amendment will be deemed acceptance of the amended terms. You may however terminate your membership at any time in accordance with termination of membership in Clause Termination. It is the member's responsibility to keep itself appraised of website updates and changes to these Terms of Service and you should check these Terms of Service whenever you access the donate-ng website.


11 Third party rights

11.1 A person who is not user of this service has no right to enforce any term of these Terms and conditions. User can only enforce the terms for only the transaction they carried out.


Any complain?

donate-ng strive to provide a remarkable service to the platform users, if however any of the service you received did not meet your expectation or you would like to make any suggestion on how to improve the service, Please contact Us on telephone or write us info@donate-ng.com

The situation will be investigated and, if necessary, actions will be taken to put matters right as quickly as we can. Where appropriate, steps will also be taken to prevent a recurrence.

Our Partners

  • African Crowdfunding
  • GT Bank
  • Paystack
  • Interswitch
  • Interswitch
  • Interswitch
  • Interswitch

Need any help? Contact us now!

Twocan Solutions

Hub One, 10, Hughes Avenue, Off Herbert Macaulay Way, Yaba 101212, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +2349070663915
Email: support@donate-ng.com

Contact us now


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