The Donation portal can be used by Charity Organisation to raise funds from the public. Individuals also can create donation portals linked to charity organisation or for a Public Causes such as Raising funds for a school Building, amenities or for a Community such as a Water Borehole
The Donation portal is a free and easy way to raise fund. We provide a safe and secure platform for collection fund from Card/bank transfer or Paypal, So you are free to do the campaign without the hassle of fund collection.
Yes, the website is SSL protected and all Payment detail are managed by the card processing platform. We do not collect or keep any of the card detail during the donation.
Registration is available for free by clicking on the Register icon on the home page.
Registering and creating a fund raising portal is free.
A Transaction fee of 5% plus Bank fees is deducted from every donation made. Donor enter the amount to (s)he wants to donate, the fees are deducted from the donation.
Registration is free and easy, however you can donate as a Guest. Please specify a contact name and email when you donate, in case we need to do a refund.
Yes, the platform can be used for raising funds by Alumni, Social clubs or groups from only their members. Cooperate Organisation or Staff can also use this as a fund raising from their Staff for a defined cause.
Yes, to provide more detail of your charity, you can put a URL link on the Donation portal. Please always take the necessary permission before you link the donation to an external URL. Breach of Copyright or misrepresentation of fact will be sanction by suspension or closing down of the donation portal.
Yes, the URL to the donation portal can be added to your Charity website.
Yes, but you will be subjected to same conditions as an Individual raising fund for a cause.
You can raise fund for a school or public service using the platform. However, the donations will not be paid directly to you but will be managed by a supervisor. This is assigned to oversee that the fund is spent on what you have raised the fund for.
This is also subject same condition as an individual. However, you will be required to provide the verifiable medical documents.
Yes, if the target amount is reach, the Donation portal can be closed and fund dispense as required.
Yes, you can link the url of the donation portal any social media site such as facebook or Tweeter for running a campaign.
Yes, if you like to raise a fund for already register charity, you can specify this and the amount raised will be paid directly at end of fundraising and upon your request.
Yes, all volunteer fundraiser raising fund for your charity is visible to you from your charity portal. You can also send in-platform message to the fundraisers raising funds for your charity.
You can update the content as often as possible. However, the cause reason must be consistent.
Yes, the donor and receiver will receive email receipt for each donation.
No, you can only contact fund raiser via the in platform messaging.
Charity organisation will be able to withdraw funds when the amount exceed N50,000 or automatic payment is made to the designate account regularly as selected in the payment option. Individual fund raisers can only access the fund at the target date or when the fund raised is completed before the target date.
No, we would only maintain a single account for each charity.
donate-ng accepts the following payment options:

I. Bank Card payment – Debit or Credit
II. Paypal
III. Online Bank transfer or cash deposit in Bank using unique Fundraising as reference

Yes, corporate organisation can organise campaign and use the platform for collecting donation. Please contact coporatefundraising@donate-ng.com for details.
We try to make the use of the platform very easy and straightforward, however if you need clarification on how to use the platform or would like to adapt the service for a specific use case then please contact the team at help@donate-ng.com.

Our Partners

  • African Crowdfunding
  • GT Bank
  • Paystack
  • Interswitch
  • Interswitch
  • Interswitch
  • Interswitch

Need any help? Contact us now!

Twocan Solutions

Hub One, 10, Hughes Avenue, Off Herbert Macaulay Way, Yaba 101212, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +2349070663915
Email: support@donate-ng.com

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