Universal Peace and Violence Amelioration Centre (UPVAC) seeks to actively promote peace and demonstrate a high sense of social and economic
Universal Peace and Violence Amelioration Centre (UPVAC) seeks to actively promote peace and demonstrate a high sense of social and economic
Society for Safe Motherhood is a community non-governmental organization dedicated to improving the health, educational attainment, human right, and opportunities for
We are dedicated to Africa’s needs and improving democratic institutions, economic productivity & education output of African nations through the implementation
Achievers Innovative Advocates International Foundation is a non profit organization saddles with the responsibility to create impacts in the lives of
Beacon of Hope Initiative (BHI) started on July 1, 2001 and registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria as a
The Agrostory Integrated Services; a registered Agribusiness firm with the Cooperate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, is determined to bringing modern Agricultural
JustCare is focused on improving the quality of lives of people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria through economically empowering people living
Gospel Television Show to celebrate and reward gospel music Artistes in Africa
The Children Revolutionary Foundation of the (Human Welfare For Empowerment And Development Initiative) is a home for orphan, indigent, abandoned and
SISTERS OF JANNAH is one of the frontiers Muslim Humanitarian organisation registered with the Federal Government of Nigeria under Corporate Affairs
help meet shine An NGO with the mission of liberating the less privileged in our society, full fledge humanitarian services, empowering
Rural Nurture Initiative (RNI) is a Non-Governmental Organisation that aims at boosting the quality of rural lives in Africa, with present
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Tel: +2349070663915
Email: support@donate-ng.com