donatePool - feeding
by donate-ng
This donation pool is created to help raise funds to support food drives campaigns to indi...
ECWA Goodnews Church Bukuru (EGNCB) is building a new Sunday school auditorium, with the capacity to hold about 300 children. The structure will host a general worship area on the ground floor and age appropriate Sunday school classes on the first floor. This project is long overdue as for around two decades, the children of EGNCB were housed in an old unconducive zinc building, which was relatively unsafe and made some children either uncooperative or uninterested in attending the Sunday school. This project will facilitate the seamless delivery of children services and motivate the participation of children as well. The funds raised by the Two Pennies project will go towards supporting the realization of the Sunday school rebuilding project in the shortest time possible.
When I was a child, the EGNCB Sunday school was foundational to my training in the WORD and nurturing in Christian values. Proverbs 22:6 (AMP) says to train up a child in the way he should go (teaching him to seek God's wisdom and will...), even when he is old he will not depart from it. I believe that the Sunday school is an effective medium that supports parents to fulfil this mandate. I am a testament to this. The current economic realities in Nigeria threatens the realization of this noble project. As the astronomical increase in prices of building materials has significantly expanded the original project budget and slowed down the pace of the building. Currently, the make shift arrangements for the delivery of Sunday school is not sustainable. Hence, the church needs financial support to speed up the completion of this project and resettle these children. It is said that little drops of water make a mighty ocean, therefore with your kind support, two pennies at a time, we can give the children of EGNCB a safe and deserving space for their training in the WORD and nurturing in Christian values. Hence the name Two Pennies Sunday school rebuilding project.
The proposed auditorium is a duplex and it is currently at the foundation level. So far, the building has been solely financed by generous contributions of the church members. The funds raised will help to secure the building blocks, cement, sand, iron rods, wood, and any other requisite building materials to raise the building from its current level to at least the decking level. The workers on the site will be paid their wages on a daily basis. Hence, the funds raised will also contribute towards paying the daily wages for the masons, labourers, and other workers on the building project.
by donate-ng
This donation pool is created to help raise funds to support food drives campaigns to indi...
by donate-ng
Donate to support the Widows in various parts of Nigeria. Impact of donation received wou...
by Solomon A
Help me raise 350,000 for a laptop to pursue programming, build engineering solutions, and...
Hub One, 10, Hughes Avenue, Off Herbert Macaulay Way, Yaba 101212, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +2349070663915