An NGO Website Update Checklist for Non-Profits

An NGO Website Update Checklist for Non-Profits

As the digital world expands, so does the need and use of NGOs. This is because people are looking to them for ways to create change in their communities. As these organizations grow, they need to invest in technology to keep up with the times. That’s why we put together this NGO Website Update Checklist for Non-Profits.

Website updates include updating a website’s design, content, and functionality. In this guide, we will cover everything from tips on accessibility and SEO to how to measure ROI and what tools you’ll need to get started.

Why Non-Profits Need a Website Update Checklist

Non-profits face several challenges when it comes to creating or updating their website. Many considerations need to be taken into account, such as audience, usability, and design. It’s important to have an accessible website that people can use on any device. And the organization must be using all available tools for its marketing efforts. But it’s not always easy to know where to start or what needs updating. That’s why we created this NGO Website Update Checklist for Non-Profits. This guide will cover everything from tips on accessibility and SEO, to how to measure ROI and what tools you’ll need to get started with your update process. We hope you find this guide helpful!



What to Keep in mind

There are some key points to keep in mind when updating your NGO website. The first is accessibility and the second is SEO.

Accessibility: Make sure your website has proper tags, labels, and descriptions. This ensures that people with disabilities will be able to access your website.

SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is a must for any business looking to grow and expand its customer base. With SEO you can increase your rankings on Google by making sure you have keywords in the correct places and optimizing for those keywords. You can also attract qualified prospects by writing blog posts that give value to potential customers.

Website Design

As the digital world expands, so does the need and use of NGOs. This is because people are looking to them for ways to create change in their communities. As these organizations grow, they need to invest in technology to keep up with the times. That’s why we put together this NGO Website Update Checklist for Non-Profits.

Website updates include updating a website’s design, content, and functionality. In this guide, we will cover everything from tips on accessibility and SEO to how to measure ROI and what tools you’ll need to get started.

Design: You can have a new site designed by an outside vendor or hire someone within your organization to do it. If you opt for internal design, be sure that your designer has experience with NGO websites. Accessibility: A good website will make an effort to accommodate different devices and screen sizes while being easy for everyone – no matter their ability level – to access the content quickly and easily. Functionality: Be sure that your site is optimized for search engines as well as mobile devices. Content: When creating new content for your site, think about how it applies specifically to your mission statement or priority areas; if possible, go live with the latest news first!

Content and Functionality

One of the most important aspects is content and functionality. If you don’t have new and relevant content, people will get bored and leave your site. They won’t want to return. You also need to make sure that your site functions well and is easy to use.

There are many ways you can improve the usability of a website. One way is to create a sitemap with all the pages on your site so that people know what they can find on your website. This will help people find what they need more easily. Another way you can improve the usability of your website is by using focus grouping methods, like testing with users, who will give feedback on how the website works for them.

Another thing you should consider when updating a non-profit’s website is accessibility features since many people with disabilities rely on computers and other devices to see websites or complete tasks online. You may not be aware that there are now guidelines for designing websites for people with disabilities called WCAG 2.0 AA which helps ensure that digital experiences are available to all audiences, no matter their abilities or physical limitations. One example of an accessibility protocol is using alt tags in images so screen readers and screen magnification software can better interpret images as they load to display them properly for users with visual impairments.


SEO and Accessibility

Many people don’t know the basics of SEO, but it can be crucial for your organization. By making sure your website is optimized for search engine rankings, you’ll increase your ability to grow. That’s why it’s important to hire professionals who put in the time and effort to optimize your website.

Additionally, by ensuring that your site is accessible, you will also be helping those with disabilities. While some accessibility features are free or low-cost, others come at a cost. It’s important to budget accordingly so that you have funds available when needed.


When updating your website, you should always make sure it is accessible to the widest audience. That means making sure that people with disabilities can access and enjoy your content. This includes making sure that all of the text on your website is readable by people who are blind or have low vision. You should also make sure that the content on a webpage loads quickly and does not have any issues with flickering or flashing content.

Measuring ROI 

Measuring ROI is important because it allows you to see how effective your site updates are. ROI can be measured in many different ways. You can measure your website’s traffic, conversion rates, and if visitors are staying on the page for a certain amount of time. You can also measure customer satisfaction by running customer satisfaction surveys and seeing what people have to say about your organization or products.

One way you can measure ROI is by setting up Google Analytics (GA). GA allows you to track how many people visit your site and where they come from, as well as how they found out about you in the first place. GA will show you what keywords people used to find your site, where they live and their demographics, the type of device they’re using to view the site, etc. All these pieces of information are very valuable when it comes to measuring ROI.

The Tools You’ll Need

Many tools can help you make your website updates. You’ll need to decide which ones will be the most useful and worth your time. Some of the tools we cover include:

-Wireframing Tool: The wireframing tool will allow you to create a series of sketches for the layout and functionality of your site.

-SEO Tool: This is software that analyzes keywords and then determines how competitive a site is for those keywords.

-Website Builder: This tool will allow you to build a website without having any coding knowledge.

-Project Management Software: We recommend using project management software like Trello or Basecamp to organize all phases of your website update project (design, development, testing, etc.).


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