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6 posts
Crowdfunding in Nigeria – How little drops can make a mighty ocean
We have heard about the concept of the little drops of water that makes the mighty ocean. We…
donate-ng completes first Crowdfunding campaign
donate-ng successfully completed the first campaign – #savekehindeadebiyi. donate-ng is a Nigerian crowdfunding website dedicated to charity fund…
donate-ng: crowdfunding ideas
I have watched and heard a lot of people complain about what they see in the society around…
donate-ng: Successful Crowdfunding campaign tips
In today’s day fast pace and increase technology, there are a lot of distractions faced by the human…
TwoCan Solutions Births “donate-ng” – Nigeria’s Go-To Social Crowdfunding Portal
TwoCan Solutions Births “donate-ng” – Nigeria’s Go-To Social Crowdfunding Portal By ‘Segun Olojo-Kosoko October 19, 2015 TwoCan…
Donating to Charity and Social Causes in Nigeria just got easier
An Interview with Mr. Ayodele Amusa, the Co-founder of Donate-NG – A Crowdfunding platform for charity and the…