NGOs that Support Education in Nigeria

7 List of NGO that Support Education in Nigeria

Below are 7 NGOs that support education in Nigeria.

Educational foundations often act as charitable donors, raise funds, and provide scholarships and grants.  Many educational institutions are also lobbyists who represent the interests of their members in comparison to the government.  Education Foundation can also be studied as a degree program in Nigerian universities.

List of Education Foundations in Nigeria:-

       1. United for Education (U4E)

       United for Education (U4E), Educational Foundation in Nigeria is a non-profit organization established with the aim of reducing educational inequalities by improving the level and quality of public primary education in Nigeria.  U4E provides a leaner and more efficient platform for business organizations to take advantage of the opportunity to achieve their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals.

       2. Whitefield Foundation

       The Foundation is an education foundation based in Whitefield, Nigeria with a proven track record in Training & Development, Business Consulting, Vision Development Engineering, Talent Management, Financial Consulting and Human Performance Improvement Solutions.  The Whitefield Foundation has been a pioneer in promoting entrepreneurship, educating and educating thousands of young adults in Lagos, Nigeria since 2003.

       3. New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation

         This educational foundation is made up of cross-cultural teams of young women and men who have the ability to move from broken families and, for some, from drug-infested street peer leaders and peacemakers who help each other.  can do.  To shape yourself.  A positive and sustainable society that rejects violence and emphasizes excellence and creates boundless compassion for all.

       The New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation provides examples of inclusive and holistic education that emphasizes experiential learning, intercultural dialogue and a global ethic of peace and social justice.  The organization is actively involved in education, peace and conflict mediation, health, youth capacity building and leadership development.

       4. WADA Foundation

       It is an education foundation in Nigeria that focuses on 3 key areas relevant to the growth and development of any community.  Each service provided by the WADA Foundation is aligned with their core ideals;  Creating value for society by healing, educating and empowering people so that they can do the same for themselves.

  •        To provide ophthalmological care to rural communities with emphasis on cataract detection and surgery.
  •        To promote health awareness with emphasis on preventive measures.
  •        Improving basic education through scholarships and setting up, funding and managing schools for the needy.
  •        Enable training and mentoring programs for small business owners.

       5. Odyssey Educational Foundation

       Odyssey as an organization works to improve the standard of living of Nigerians in general with a special focus on the education sector.  They conduct activities in various educational areas, such as teacher training, STEM curriculum development and implementation, women empowerment, gender equality and quality education for women, girls, mechanisms to prevent and eradicate child abuse and domestic violence.

       6. Nigerian Foundation for Higher Education (NHEF)

       NHEF is working towards a future where Nigerian higher education is one of the best in the world, with Nigerian institutions being the academics of the 21st.  The Education Foundation works with Nigerian universities to provide local and global resources to develop the skills and leadership of young people to develop, retain and promote Nigerian academics.

       7. Grace Foundation

       This education foundation exists to invest in the next generation of Nigerians and to provide youth with the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and build adequate and sustainable lives for themselves and their families.

       Grace Foundation does this through a variety of primary to post-secondary programs for boys and girls, and schools throughout Nigeria, with a focus on three key areas: education, employment and employment, entrepreneurship, and girls’ education.  and works with their communities.

       Here are some other foundations that support education in Nigeria:-

       TY Danjuma Foundation

       TY Danjuma Foundation is one of the most popular educational foundations in Nigeria, founded in 2009 by Lieutenant General Theophilus Yakubu Denjuma.  This education foundation works to improve the quality of life of Nigerians and supports health and education activities conducted primarily by non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Nigeria.

      UK-Nigeria Education Trust

       The UK-Nigeria Educational Trust is a charity that promotes friendship and understanding between the UK and Nigeria by providing substantial financial support that goes directly to the advancement and promotion of education in Nigeria.

      Bunmi Adedayo Foundation

       The Bunmi Adedayo Foundation is an education nonprofit organization that is working to improve the learning outcomes of primary education in Nigeria. In line with SDG4, we provide quality professional training for teachers, continuous leadership and mentoring for school leaders, donation of school materials and scholarship for children, and construction of learning infrastructure for public and low-cost schools in Nigeria.

Established in 2016, find below some of our impacts and achievement of improving the quality of education in Nigeria.

Provided Full 6-Year secondary scholarship to 4 indigent children from public schools.


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