I have watched and heard a lot of people complain about what they see in the society around them. People have complained from bad community water, bad medical health care centres, bad roads, bad drainage system, Alma Mata turning to ruin and the list is endless.
Have equally heard and been part of compelling argument that it’s the responsibility of the government and our leaders to make things work. Rightly so, it is.
However, I have heard of people who desired to be the agent of the CHANGE they need to see. This sparked social and charitable light bulb moments in them, causing great anger within them. These social and charitable light bulb moments sometimes fade away because these individuals do not have what it takes in RESOURCES to achieve these desired CHANGES.
Flipping the coin over its head, on the other side there is a capability just on your FINGER TIPS to face those CHALLENGES facing the desired CHANGE you desire most to see.
It’s time to stop complaining and start acting on those social and charitable light bulb moment ideas that can change your community, someone’s life and at large the world.
On your FINGER TIPS is the internet, on the INTERNET is www.donate-ng.com; a crowdfunding portal you can use to fund your ideas and dream to cause the desired CHANGE you want to see.
Take your social and charitable light bulb moment ideas to www.donate-ng.com, register and start your crowdfunding campaign to bring the desired CHANGE you want to see in that;
- Ill (medical sick) relative/friend who is in need of finances for medical treatment.
- National Youth Service Corpse pet project.
- Religious organisation.
- Charity organisation.
- Alma Mata.
- Community school.
- Community health centre.
And the list is endless
Do not let the dream of CHANGE die with the excuse of finance, use the crowd to fund your dream social and charitable light bulb idea today.