It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to church fundraising ideas. The same activities can be repeated over and over again because we think that they will always work. If we don’t actively look for new fundraising ideas, we might miss out on opportunities that could increase our revenue. Fortunately, there are lots of great fundraising ideas out there that will help you to refresh your annual campaign.
Churches need to find new and innovative ways to raise money to keep up with their growing needs.
Do you need some new ideas for fundraising at your church? Whether you’re looking for a simple way to raise some money or want to put on a bigger event, these ideas will help get the ball rolling. So read on and see what might work best for your congregation!
Church fundraising can be a lot of fun! There are so many great ideas out there, it can be hard to choose just seven. But we’ve tried to compile some of the best and most popular options to get your congregation’s creative juices flowing. From bake sales to car washes, read on for our top seven picks!
1. Have a special offering for the church
This could be done regularly or as a one-time event. The money raised can be used for a new building campaign, a special outreach, or a specific project within the church.
2. Have a car wash fundraiser
This is an easy and popular option. Hosting a car wash fundraiser event can provide one of your largest fundraisers in your budget year-to-year. You can even do this outdoors as an alternate location if the weather is bad.
3. Have a bake sale
Everyone loves sweets! You can ask for baked goods from your congregation and then sell them at an event. Not only will you be bringing in money, but you’ll also have plenty of delicious treats to eat as well. Just make sure to clean up after yourself, so that your church members don’t get upset!
4. Hold a special movie night fundraiser
You can have popcorn and drinks for people to purchase while watching the latest blockbuster film in the theatre. This is not only fun for them, but it will provide some big bucks for your church too. Just make sure to get the proper licensing if you are holding it in a public place.
5. Hold an auction fundraiser
If people aren’t interested in donating items, they can still support your church by bidding on things at the auction. This kind of event provides hours of entertainment for everyone attending and it helps raise money for your church.
6. Have a special appeal service.
Many churches have special services where they make an appeal for donations. This can be a great way to raise money, especially if you have a strong sermon or presentation that emphasizes the importance of giving to the church.
7. Have a pancake breakfast fundraiser
This is always a popular event and it’s something that everyone can enjoy. All you need is some batter, some toppings, and some volunteers to flip the pancakes. This is a great opportunity to get your congregation involved and to raise some money for the church.
Don’t be afraid to ask others how they market their events or what other fundraisers they’ve done in the past. Once you find an idea you like, do some research on it before trying it out for yourself.
Churches need to find new and innovative ways to raise money to keep up with their growing needs.
To raise money for your ministry, you need a plan. The great thing is that there are many different types of fundraising events you can throw. One idea is to have a car wash fundraiser where people come out and clean the congregation’s cars in exchange for donations. Another option would be a bake sale or holding an auction fundraiser with some donated items up for bids from various members of the church community. We hope these ideas help inspire new ways you can fundraise at your church!