9 Easy Fundraising Ideas for Daycare

9 Easy Fundraising Ideas for Daycare

One of the main challenges that daycare centers face is funding. It can be difficult to keep up with the expenses, especially when it seems like every other month there is a new requirement or expense. Fortunately, there are several fundraising ideas that daycare centers can utilize to generate some extra income. In this blog post, we will explore several of these options so that you can decide which one might work best for your center.

Today, parents are much more involved in their child’s education. Many people who drop their children off at daycare centers also volunteer. Parents often enjoy spending time with other parents and watching the interactions between their children and others. If your center is short-staffed or if you need to bring in some extra money, then reaching out to your parents and asking for volunteers might be the perfect option.

   If you need financial help, ask for it! Sometimes people will offer their help; other times they may not realize how much of a difference they could make. Small monetary donations can go a long way in helping daycare centers: buying food, paying for field trips, and purchasing new toys.

What is daycare center fundraising? 

To raise money for a daycare center, parents will usually create fundraisers. These can be as big as a car wash or bake sale where the items are sold by donation or as small as selling cookies door-to-door.

If you’re looking for a way to fundraise, consider one of these nine daycare fundraising ideas:

1) Bake sale: 

Bake sale fundraisers are a popular option for daycares. Not only are they easy to organize, but they also tend to be successful. You can either sell homemade baked goods or pre-packaged ones.

Bake sales are a great daycare fundraising idea because daycares typically have parents that are more than willing to help make baked goods. It is also easy to scale up this fundraiser depending on the need. For example, if you want to generate more money for your daycare center, you can sell items at multiple locations or try selling different kinds of baked goods, like brownies or cupcakes.

2) Car wash: 

Car washes are another daycare fundraising idea that daycares often use to raise money. There are several benefits of using a car wash daycare fundraiser. First, it is easy to organize because daycares typically have families with cars that they can get washed at the event. Second, daycares can get multiple families to participate in the car wash, which can lead to a lot of revenue. Finally, daycares can also promote other services that they offer while people are waiting for their cars to be washed. For example, daycare centers could have a sign promoting their early childhood education program or after-school care service.

3) Raffle: 

Raffle fundraisers are some of the most popular daycare fundraising ideas, especially if you can get a great prize donated. The daycare will sell tickets to families up to the day of the fundraiser, and whoever has purchased all of the tickets wins. For example, daycares have had raffles for large items like bicycles or even trips. Some daycares have even held raffles for daycare services provided by the daycare!

If you have a large daycare, this could be a great way to generate some extra income.

4) Yard sale: 

A yard sale is a great way to get rid of old items and raise some money at the same time. Have parents donate items to sell, and then set up a table in your yard or at a local park. You can also hold a garage sale if you have more space.

5) Haunted house/haunted maze:

 Haunted house/haunted mazethis is a great option for centers that are looking to scare their guests and raise some money at the same time. You can charge an admission fee, however, be sure to have a “not so scary” alternative for those that don’t want to participate. 

6) Craft/apparel sale: 

Craft/apparel sale this is a daycare fundraiser that doesn’t require too much planning, and it can be a lot of fun for the daycare parents. This daycare fundraiser should be held at your daycare center, and the parents should sign up to bring in craft items or clothing that they no longer need.

7) Sell candy door-to-door: 

Throwing a sweet-treats-giving event at the drop of a hat, daycares may send out a letter to parents regarding fundraising opportunities. Parents would be encouraged to participate by sending in day care a canned goods donation or a non-perishable food item for a day care-sponsored food drive.

8) Sponsor a child for a day: 

Sponsor a daycare fundraising idea day is an easy and fun daycare fundraiser that daycares can host. Simply advertise in your newsletter or on social media that daycares are looking for sponsors to help cover the costs of a day for one of the center’s students. This could include daycare tuition, food, and any other necessary expenses. 

9) Hold storytime and donation: 

Hold storytime and donation daycare centers can generate a lot of donations by hosting a storytime event. Have a couple of daycare parents volunteer to read stories to the kids, and then ask for a small donation from those in attendance. You can also provide snacks or drinks for purchase. 

Fundraising is a way for daycare centers to make money. It also allows the children to learn about giving back and the importance of helping others.

One of the main challenges that daycare centers face is funding. As you may know, many factors affect how much money your center earns each year like the number of children enrolled or tuition rates. It can be difficult to cover overhead costs with these sources alone and make sure teachers are paid fairly for their work. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to supplement income by leveraging donations from parents and other community members as well as activities like fundraising events or school fundraisers. Today we’ve covered nine different daycare fundraising ideas to increasing revenue at your child daycare centers.


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