NGO, or NGO, is a term that refers to institutions that are non-governmental organizations that have worked to bring about change in society through the well-being of the underprivileged and underprivileged sections of the society.
NGOs are run by such a group of people who are socially connected and mainly do selfless service for human welfare.
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are independent organizations and are not related to any government agency or established by the states.
What is the role of NGOs in our society?
In short, they show commitment towards the progress of society in various fields. He carried out only charitable activities which were completely devoted to the social cause. The activities of these organizations are mainly related to these areas. However, promotion, environment, social rights and human rights are not limited to these areas, but great services are provided for a wide range of areas.
The goal of NGOs is to advocate for great political or social change, and they have held a fundamental place in our country. They contribute immensely to the development of society by promoting civic participation and community education.
NGOs depend on private sources for their share of funding. The term is currently associated with the United Nations and credible NGOs are organizations recognized or labeled by the United Nations. Some NGOs like to call them voluntary organizations to create clarity in their work.
Here are the 6 main types of NGOs:-
BINGO – A “major international NGO” like the Red Cross. They are also called “business-friendly” NGOs.
INGO: An international NGO like Oxfam.
ENGO: An environmental NGO like Greenpeace.
RINGO: An international religious NGO like Catholic Auxiliary Services.
CSO: A civil society organization such as Amnesty International.
GONGO: Organization organized by the government by the name of International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Here we explain a little more about these 6 organizations:–
1. BINGO – A “major international NGO” like the Red Cross.
They are also called “business-friendly” NGOs.
A large international non-governmental organization (bingo) is an organization independent of government involvement and extends the concept of non-governmental organization (NGO) to an international level.
NGOs are independent of governments and can be divided into two types: advocacy NGOs, which aim to influence governments with a specific goal, and operational NGOs, which provide services.
Examples of NGO mandates are the protection of the environment, promotion of human rights, or the advancement of women.
NGOs are usually non-profits but receive corporate funding or membership fees. Many large international NGOs have operational project components and advocacy initiatives that work together in each country.
Red Cross
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the largest humanitarian network in the world. The movement is neutral and impartial and provides protection and assistance to those affected by disasters and conflicts.
The movement includes about 100 million members, volunteers and supporters from 190 national societies.
It has three main components:
– International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
– International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC)
– 190 member committees of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
As partners, various members of the movement help communities become stronger and safer through various development projects and humanitarian activities. The movement also works with governments, charities and other humanitarian organizations to help vulnerable people around the world.
ICRC, Federation and National Societies are independent bodies. Each person has his position and has no authority over others.
2. INGO: An international NGO like Oxfam.
Any organization operating at an international level that was not established by an intergovernmental agreement can be an INGO.
An international NGO can be created through private philanthropy such as the Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gates and Ford Foundations, or as a complement to existing international organizations such as the Catholic or Lutheran Church. International economic development non-governmental organizations flourished during World War II, some of which later became larger organizations such as SOS Children’s Village, Oxfam, Catholic Aid Services, CARE International and Lutheran World Relief. The number of INGOs increased from 6,000 in 1990 to 26,000 in 1999, and a 2013 report estimated them to be around 40,000.
Care International
Focus: Multiple interdisciplinary projects
International NGO dedicated to fighting poverty. It has a special interest in empowering poor women because “women have the power to help families and entire communities escape poverty”. clear goal:
self-help capacity building
give you an economic opportunity
provide immediate assistance
influence political decisions at all levels
Fight discrimination in all its forms.
Focus: Multiple interdisciplinary projects
Oxfam works on business justice, fair trade, education, credit and aid, livelihoods, health, HIV/AIDS, gender equality, conflict (campaign for an international arms trade agreement) and natural disasters, democracy and human rights, and climate change. That’s all.
3. ENGO: An environmental NGO like Greenpeace.
An ENGO (Environmental Non-Governmental Organization) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) in the field of environmental protection. These organizations work both locally and internationally and therefore play a vital role in tackling a variety of environmental problems that arise in the world today.
One of the most distinguishing features between environmental NGOs and environmental movements is that environmental NGOs have a constitution that sets out the rules for the distribution of power among those who belong to them.
Since the emergence of environmental NGOs in the 1970s and 1980s, when people hardly realized the seriousness of environmental problems, much progress has been made in helping the planet and its people. Some notable examples of these contributors include WWF, Greenpeace, Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, Friends of the Earth, Himalayan Wildlife Foundation, and the Environmental Investigation Agency.
4. RINGO: An international religious NGO like Catholic Auxiliary Services.
Religious NGOs are those that have a close relationship with religious organizations, whether in terms of their values, goals or money. They can be defined as NGOs that have one or more of the following characteristics: “formal affiliation with a religious body; a mission statement or goals that are related to designated religious values; religious sources and/or financial support from a governance structure where the selection of board members or staff is based on decision-making processes based on religious beliefs or affiliation and/or religious values”.
The formal nature of membership should be clarified, as informal relationships and networks between NGOs and religious bodies are common; The model itself should not reflect the religious values of an organization;
And religious values should be mentioned because they often overlap with human values. For example, “spiritual support to the needy” expresses a universal value. However, it has a different meaning when it says “to provide Islamic spiritual aid to those in need”.
5. CSO: A civil society organization such as Amnesty International.
A civil society organization (CSO) or non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit, voluntary civic group organized at a local, national or international level. Civil society organizations (CSOs), led by task-oriented and like-minded people, provide a variety of humanitarian services and functions, address citizen concerns, oversee policy and promote political participation at all levels. promote.
community level. CSOs provide analysis and expertise, act as an early warning mechanism and help monitor and implement international agreements, including the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. They are usually organized around specific themes, such as the United Nations Pillars for Peace and Security, Human Rights and Development. CSOs often promote the celebration of the United Nations and the international years and decades set by the General Assembly to draw global attention to the important problems facing humanity. Your relationships with UN system offices and agencies vary by location and mandate.
6. GONGO: Organization organized by the government by the name of International Union for Conservation of Nature.
A government-organized non-governmental organization is a non-governmental organization established by the government to promote its political interests and to emulate civil groups and civil society in their country or their international or geopolitical interests to ‘foreigners’. or sponsored. .
GONGOs are state-sponsored non-government organizations. Behind this paradoxical and almost ridiculous tongue twister hides an important and growing global trend that deserves a closer look: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are often secretly funded and controlled by governments. Some GNGOs are benign, others are irrelevant.
But there are many dangerous ones, including the above. Some act as the armed wing of repressive governments. Others use the practices of democracy to subtly undermine democracy at home. Abroad, GONGO’s oppressive regimes exert pressure on the United Nations and other international institutions and are often presented as representatives of noble citizens’ groups, while in reality they are simply agents of the governments that fund them. Some governments integrate their GONGOs into companies in other countries and use them to represent their interests abroad.